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A beautiful Authentic CHANEL Dark Brown Calfskin Leather Large Shoulder Bag in good condition.

Outside leather has good condition with scratches,chanel bag in barbie movie obvious dis-form, CC logo has obvious scratches but still decorates lovely in front. There are 2 obvious scratch lines in front (one next to CC logo, one near left bottom looking from the screen). Generally, the bag is still in beautiful condition and fashionable.

Inside the bag has good condition though the fabric has 2 tiny holes behind buttons . The bag has large size with 3 large pockets and 2 other medium pockets with zippers. Appr. Dim.:: L 14", H 11","W 4", handles about 6.5". This spacious fashionable Chanel bag is suitable for any occasion, even very convenient for vacations, outside activities, work time. If you are looking for a fashion large size shoulder bag to bring your style, this will be an ideal bag you will want to put in your collection!

未经允许不得转载:>lushentic quality handbags » CHANEL BROWN CALFSKIN LEATHER MEDIUM SHOULDER BAG